A new beginning

As promised, you’re looking at the brand new third incarnation of Beyondjazz. It’s been quite a ride, but we feel that once again Beyondjazz is taking the pulse of the larger future jazz community, just like it did in 2003. Over the past six years we gathered almost 5000 people to discuss their shared musical interests, but as time went by the internet evolved, and Beyondjazz … well, didn’t.
So, we scaled back a little, and are returning focus on quality content, and the podcast of course. We’ll keep a close eye on new and emerging movements in the musical landscape.
We invite you all to become part of Beyondjazz. Be it comments, tweets, illustrations, guest articles, … you name it. If you have got something to share, let us know!
There will definitely be some more bugs and oddities left to be ironed out, but rest assured that we’ll be going over them in the coming hours and days. Enjoy the new Beyondjazz!
Posted at 9:55 pm
first. new look is lookin kool, congrats to L and J for the ace change.
The redesign is really nice… Good job.
Looking really great so far! I hope people will leave lots of feedback here.
How about adding some community features/widgets like Google Friend Connect or such? Anyway, keep up the great work, guys :O)
greets bj. the new format looks great.
damn beautiful site, will stay a regular visitor π
Nice job guys, looks sweet. Only thing I’d say is it’d be nice to be centered instead of left aligned – I’m on a 22″ and it’s a bit off putting being half the screen to the left and blank grey on the right! Other than that it’s cool!
The design looks good. I’m really looking forward to seeing some new and exciting things from Beyond Jazz…
Dude, we are left of centre! π
nice design, feeling the new direction π
keep on!
great stuff – go on with your bad selves
Liking the new design a lot. Keep up the excellent work guys!
Nice new layout guys!!
gosh! big up L&O nice job!
marvellous fresh & cool new design & blog attitude, guys!
Beyondjazz rocks!
excellent, as always.
Greetings from North Italy by
Chemikangelo (ORIGAMI)
ex Clubbity.com
One word…. STYLIN!!
Nu design is so beyond jazz π
Lensco u did great job
excellent design
Ha ha! I guess it’s ok then!
Its looking pretty fresh here oemebamo / lensco – good work!
Downloading the Jacko podcast now.
Keep the podcasts coming..
Yes, ok, you’re right. It’s good to make a change in the layout. But, anyway, the content has always been perfect and full living, ahead of today’s music. This new design is a wonderull bonus. ThinK Ya.
New site is looking wicked – nice one.
Don’t suppose you could do an RSS feed so I can put it on my toolbar? (Or did I miss it?)
Sure, there’s RSS feeds for pretty much anything. You should see an RSS icon in the address bar of your browser.
D’oh – web design must be frustrating when you have to cater for technical illiterates like me π (I will ask my grandmother first before posting in future.)
I have clicked on the orange thing on other sites & it didn’t always quite work. Needless to say, it does here – thx, in the toolbar now.
dopness galore, love the nu site, gotta come c u dudes out there in Gent someday, that if get the Visa! Sh*T’s FRESHER THAN OBAMa, haha
What the…..
Nice update beyond jazz.
One bug though. i cant see what im currently writing as the input boxes of this form appears to have a font style set to it that my comp/brower doesn’t register (not helvetica neue is it). Im in FF by the way. It’ll probably work fine in IE as ive had the issue before.
keep up the good work π
Awesome work guys. Been a regular visitor since 2003, and fantastic to see the site refreshed, revitalised and ready to continue to be an the vanguard of future jazz and leftfield beats. Big yourselves up!
Wow whatta nice page.
me likey likey π
I’ve been around since 2004. 5 years now. Time goes fast.
Hands (and head) up! π
Nice work!
You’ve done well! But you used to have a rss feed live radio tracker. Did you stop it or are you planning to continue with it in the new website?
@esponjacinzenta You can still find it in our archive, but we’re not actively maintaining it anymore, sorry.
I knew that but the links don’t lead to active pages anymore.
Thanks anyway!